Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Eye Opener: Environmental Working Group

My Product of Choice..

The product that I use daily is "Lady's Speed Stick 24/7 Antiperspirant Deodorant Solid". (haha) I didn;t know that was the actual name, but it gave it me the options. Everyday I wake up and put it on without even thinking anymore. Every now and then, if I'm wearing a new stick, someone will notice the fruity smell, which i will take as a compliment over smelling like BO of course. But after reading some of the information that was given by "Skin-Deep Cosmetic Database", I might start to think about about smelling like fruits and flowers.

Facts About the Product

-Ingredients in the product are linked to: Cancer and Allergies/ immunotoxicity

- Scored a 4 out of 10 on the hazardous scale

-IS tested on animals... Gross!

-54% of other antiperspirants have lower conerns

My Thoughts

I think this website is really interesting!! The thing that really threw me off about this product was that they tested on animals. I think thats cruel and disgusting to do that. Also, ingredients can cause cancer. I feel like that is said with a lot of products- from plastic to cell phones. But I guess things do add up if used too much. I think I will continue to use antiperspirant, yet again because I like to smell good and it only rated a 4 on the hazard scale. I know 4 is higher than 0, but if we were to adjust every aspect of our lifes, I think that might be hard. Maybe starting little, will work for me. I'll look for a safer, more environmentally freindly and consumer freindly product next time.


  1. TMI-
    Good Post, just another thing that I never really thought about. Somethings are just become a way of life, guess I'll start getting paranoid and worry about everything I do and use. No not really but this class is really opening my eyes.

  2. I never thought that these things we use every day could be such a hazard! Apparently everything is hazardous?

  3. Sara,

    It is sad to see that your product does testing on animals. I am hoping that the testing is not harmful to the animals. It is never good to hear such a practice is done, but it is good to know the product has been proven safe. A 4 out of 10 rating isn't too bad, so I think in terms of danger from the product you are pretty safe.

  4. This was a great post. I also didn't know that they still tested on animals as much as they do. I also noticed that almost everything on the site was linked to cancer. Seems crazy that we use all of this stuff everyday even though it's not really that good for us.
