Thursday, March 12, 2009

Reflections: Week 7 & 8

CRAZY!! Where is the time going??
During week 7 we read an article titled III Winds: The Chemical Plant Next Door. It was a woman's view point on how chemical plants can be the cause of cancer. I liked this article, although hard to follow, because it wasn't so forceful about one opinion. It left a little open ended, allowing you tot hink for yourself. We also watch the movie "Green". This is by far my favorite movie that we have watched in the class. It hit home and really reflected what people were feeling about the chemical plants in in their towns. It focused on Cancer Alley. The 100 mile river that stetched along the mississippi river. This area is also the home of many people who are affected by their living situation. It really opened my eyes to what we all take for granted.. also what we see as important.
During week 8 we read an artice called Privatizing Water. This whole concpet was shocking to me and shows how much our world is run based on profit. The article ties in pretty well with the movie we attempted to watch, Thirst. They both touch on the political portion and rational of having this happen. It shows these people are contradicting themselves. Being voted in to represent the people, then not letting them vote on something so important. "They don't understand."
I really enjoyed what we covered this week and lots of thought provoking questions were brough up in discuss. Some that stand out to me were, what would I stand up for? Are we costomers? Hmm.. I'm also really exctited to start the photo essay but that can wait till after spring break :)


  1. Sara,
    Good post, I like the picture. I also found the last couple weeks to be good learning experiences.

  2. Sara,
    I'm still trying to get back in the swing of things after spring break! But your post is good and I think the last two weeks we learned a lot.

  3. Sara,

    It is true about how the mayor of Stockton contradicts government by not allowing the citizens to vote on the water priviatization issue. The world is run by profit. That is definetly a true statment.
