Friday, February 27, 2009

Reflections: Week 5 & 6

First off, I think it's crazy that the sixth week is over. Time is going by so fast!!

The Past 2 Weeks...

Blogging has become a apart of my daily routine now. I don't know what to think of that (haha). I often find myself reading blogs if I'm bored, maybe it's the new facebook. Anyways, the past 2 weeks we got the chance to watch 2 different movies. The first one was called "Diet for a New America." This was a documentary done by John Robbins that looked at different practices of the meat and dairy industries. The second movie that we are still currently watching is called "Future for Food" and this one focues on farm lands and how things are changing with big businesses, who are pretty much buying out farms and making "owning" all types of seeds. They are genetically monifying seeds, creating lack of biodiversity- This can cause some problems.

My Thoughts

Although, I didn't get to watch the end of "Diet for a New America", I got the just of it from reading summary blogs. I really enjoyed it, but then again, when i watch documentaries like that- I always like to know what the other side of the story is.H e made some good and informative points, but at times I felt that all famrs were made out to be bad places for the environment, when I know thats not true. I still kept an open mind and was shocked to hear about how some farms actually do run, to me it seems inhumane.
"Food for the Future" is a great movie thus far. It really makes me think about how much goes on "behind the scenes". We live our lives everyday without knowing what others are coming up with. I seems all these decisions get made by a select few "the man" and we find out about it, when something goes wrong. What was most shocking for me to learn wasthe fact that there are people who are working for "both sides". I can't wait to seehow the movie ends.


  1. Sara,

    It is so true that you need to see both sides of the story before you make your decision. If you base all your thoughts on the Diet for a New America you might think that all farms are bad. This is a very good point you made. The Future of Food video is the most shocking video I have seen anywhere as it showed how Monsanto Corp. is working towards a monopoly of the seed and fertilizer industry. They are pickiing on small buisness farmers by way of their patent on a seed, of which can blow across the country, and cannot be controled. Isn't it always the creator of the new product's job to prevent their product from destroying the world. For example, a new car is made to be safe and to not go running out of control once on the road. A seed that is going across the nation unstopped is like a car running out of control. It must be stopped, and Monsanto Corporation should be held accountable for their own product. Not the farmers whom are like the innocent pedestrians on the side walk of a street with the run-away car.

  2. Sara,
    Hard to believe 6 weeks are done already. I was also put off when I learned that there are people working for both sides. Again who can you trust in this day and age?

  3. I think it is important aswell to have two sides to a story. I like that you keep an open mind! I also don't like that we can't decide for ourselves if we eat GM foods or not! I look forward to the next couple weeks.
