Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Advocacy Project: Issue Overview

Introduction: Physical education and health education in schools are at a minimal at this time. The obesity rates are growing continously and physical education is decreasing. Seems a little absurd. I found a bill at The Liberty of Congress THOMAS website numbered H.R. 1585 To amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to improve standards for physical education. With that being said, this bill wishes to amends the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) to require annual state and local educational agency report cards to include specified information on school health and physical education programs.

Who is Effected by this Issue: The children and thier health is what is being affected the most. By not having mandatory physical education classes in school, they are losing the opportunity to get their daily exercise in. Technology is growing and growing, so are the kids. At home video games, computers, and phones are amongst the common ideals of fun. I know the schools aren't at fault for a kid not going out side and playing, but if they were properly educated, brought home physicaly and health education progress reports, then parents could help out at home as well. If they choose not to, at least the school will offer a time for physical activity. If this bill is to go through the children will be gaining health wise and knowledge wise. They are our future. Let's teach them how to get there healthy and stay there.

What are the consequences of the issue? If the physical and health education systems in schools don't inprove then the younger generation is continually going to suffer without even knowing it. We need to have trained physical and health educators who really want whats best for the kinds and who are willing to do what it takes such as bringing physical and health education reports home for the greater interest of the kids. Some families can benefit from this. By having annual reports and progress reports of the physical education programs, it can also be used as a tool for the family to make some healthier changes. Society largly benefits. The healthier our young generation is, the more promising our future is for everyone.

What is the Economic Impact of this Issue? There are many ways in which to look at this issue and how it will impact the economy. Yes, it will cost schools to hire more faculty and keep the physical environment up to date. But in the long run I believe it will benefit more than it will harm. If health education programs ( mandatory daily physical activity, health education, and progress reports) are to take place, the ultimate goal is to make the kids healthier and that is a possibility. With healthier kids, that creates less chronic disease and/or acute disease/injuries. Therefor, less trips to the hospitals. Health Insurance is huge in america so not having to go to the hospital can save a lot of money.

What is the Socail Impact of this Issue? This would help protect the health of our young genereation and hopefully decrease the the health problems arising within this country.

What are the Barriers? I really don't see the harm this can cause anyone. It is something that everyone with children can and would benefit from. Of course with everything, there's always something in the way. In this case I believe money would play a key role. Schools would have to increase number of salaries within the school. Parents, employees of the schooling system and other members of the public might see no point in increasing health and physical education because they are unaware of the issue. Ways around this would be to educate people, get the word out. This can be done anyways possible, TV, newspaper, flyers, whatever it takes to understand the epidemic and ways we can treat the issue.

What are the Resources? We would need the support of the communities, school districts, families, and children inorder to help this bill pass. If everyone is willing to help out and work together on the same page to fight this issue, it is hopeful. Money is a resource that may come to mind. More employees, more money. We need to see past the initial costs and look at the cost-benefit ratio in the future.

Allies and Opponents: It seems as though some schools see this as a positive thing, while others see no point in it. Yes it's great to increase the health of students to provide for a healthier life, but sending progress reports seems too timely and in our day and age time and money are important. People who are for it.. parents with children who suffer from obesity, not all, but most. Who wouldn't want their child to be healthy?

Recommendations: Vote Yes for H.R. 1585. Obesity rates amongst elementary and secondary education children will continue to increase. Let's help families, children, and society be healthier by having programs implemented in the schooling system that will focus on the qualilty of life for these individuals. Teaching than providing feedback will be a good stepping stone in making our citizens healthier and happier.


  1. Sara,

    I used to be a physical education major, and it is a dwindling profession as budget cuts are getting rid of physical education and after school programs from many k-12 level schools.

    Another note I would make with the consequences section is how America ranks very poorly with obesity rates amongst children and adults. Many schools are only allowing physical education class for an hour every other day, of which cannot give full motor developmental benifits for these growing children

  2. Sara,
    Great subject, as my Dad is a Phys. Ed. teacher I am aware of the fact that the emphasis on Phy. Ed. is not what it once was or what it should be. therefore many budgets are dwindling. When too many of our youth are over weight and becoming diabetic this is THE time to educate children the importance of being physically active and it's benefits.
    Good Post!

  3. Sara,
    This is such an important topic. I think I did my comp class on physical education in schools. It's such a big issue with money. They need to "get rid" of classes in order to meet budgets. There needs to be another way to solve this.

  4. (ps I think your title got messed up when you posted this)
