Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Advocacy Project: Letter to a Public Official

TO: Congressman Keith Ellison
112 Longwoth building
Washington, D.C.
Phone: 612 522 1212

I am writing to inform you of a serious issue that is becoming the norm in our country today and I believe you have the voice to change it. That issue is childhood obesity and lack of physical/health education. H.R. 1585 "To amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to Improve Standards for Physical Education" is a bill that, if passed, can help with this issue.

Having cut backs in physical and health edication classes is causing these kids to lose required daily physical activity. With obesity rates at it's high in the USA and continuing to grow, physical education is something that should be increasing in stead of decreasing.

The kids are our future and I believe that there is a problem within their health and wellness that can be fixed. Everyone would benefit from the passing of this bill. Physical and health education reports that would be sent home could easily benefit not only the children, but also their parents.

We don't have total control over our health. But, we do have methods and control over health issue that are preventable. If we attack this issue now, this is something I believe has the potential to make a turn in the a positive direction.

I urge you to vote YES on the Bill 1585 To amend the emementary and secondard education act of 1965 to imporve standards for physical education.

Thank you for your time,

Sara O'Toole

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sara. Good letter post! I would be very upset if I were a kid and had my PE time reduced. I mean that's what every kid looks forward to in elementary school (at least I did). I believe that PE time is what reminds these kids that exercise is an important part of daily activities. I would vote "Yes" for this bill.
