Saturday, April 18, 2009

Reflections: Week 11 & 12

Well, well, well another time for reflections. Week 11 and 12, seriously? As I never forget to say, it's crazy how fast this semester is passing us by. It feels like over night the weather changed from unpredictable snow storms shorts and T-shirt weather.. not complaining.

Week 11
We watched a movie titled Unnatural Causes and watched a segement on it titled In Sickness and in Wealth. I only caught the first half of the movie because I was out of town on thursday. Reading people's reviews helped me understand and get a grasp of how it ended. From what I did see, money plays a huge factor is people's health. The more money you have the healthier you will be. There was data and facts that showed different graphs of this topic and it was shocking how the decline in life expectancy was the dependant variable on money. When you think about it, it makes sense. People with more money has access to more resources . Yet again.. money is the key factor.

Week 12
We started to work on our advocacy project and had to find a topic in Healthy People 2010 that we were interested in and that would would have to follow. We watched a cute movie about how a bill becomes a law haha it's pretty catchy and funny. We were also fortunate to have Shar teach us for the first half of class thursday. She got to lead the discussion about the article we read. It was pretty interesting because it was something positive for a change. It's good to know the ozone is starting to close up. But we were told to keep in mind to pay close attention to the resource that your getting your information. Because it's something new and pleasant, I'm going to hope it's true. Maybe something we can research a little more... there's a share and voice idea :)


  1. Toole,
    Good Recap! I hope the weather stays nice, I'm ready to be done with winter!

  2. Its good to hear that the ozone is closing up and getting back to normal. We affect the environment, and we as a human race need to recognize this and make sure to change what we do when it is hurting the environment. I hope that the source of the article (Christian Science Monitor) is correct and valid. Now our next change as a society should be to change over from gasoline based cars, and carbon emission power to something more environmentally friendly. There are plenty of options hydro, electric, solar, and so on to keep the CO2 emmisions low.

  3. It was nice to actually hear some good things thats going on with the environment! These weeks keep flying by..but not fast enough..I'm so ready for summer!
